Donato Totaro has been the editor of the online film journal Offscreen since its inception in 1997. Totaro received his PhD in Film & Television from the University of Warwick (UK), is a part-time professor in Film Studies at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) and a longstanding member of AQCC (Association québécoise des critiques de cinéma).
Un essai audiovisuel | An audiovisual essay by Donato Totaro
L’extrait de la semaine choisi par Donato Totaro
The Room Meets Citizen Kane | video essay by Donato Totaro
An audiovisual essay by Donato Totaro.
“L’extrait de le semaine” chosen by Donato Totaro
Interview with André Link and Greg Dunning on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary screening of Meatballs and hosted by Donato Totaro.